Best books of 2023

The following are the best books I have read in 2023. Some may have been published, or in some cases republished in 2023, most however are older titles.

  1. Christianity and Liberalism Machen’s interaction with the liberalism of his day serves as a mirror to the current contemporary problems found in so-called progressive Christianity.
  2. The Blazing World by Jonathan Healey: As someone whose church history interests are focused on the Puritans, Healey’s work is a helpful history on the political and social upheavals that shaped early Modern England. It’s both engaging and informative.
  3. Justification by Thomas Schreiner: A concise but thorough treatment of the issue of justification that addresses it from both the view of biblical theology and systematic theology.
  4. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 1859-2009 by Gregory Wills: The definitive history of SBTS. Moreover, in many ways this book serves as a history of the theological developments that have shaped Southern Baptists. I am in eager anticipation for Dr. Will’s forthcoming history of the Southern Baptist Convention.
  5. Child of Light Walking in Darkness by Thomas Goodwin: Goodwin’s work is wonderful treatment of spiritual depression and desertion.
  6. Finding Assurance with Thomas Goodwin by Andrew Ballitch: A helpful treatment on an important topic in Puritan studies.

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