Irresistible Faith : A Review

Irresistible Faith by Scott Sauls

This book focuses on how believers can be a witness for Christ in a a time when it seems many believers are failing to be a winsome witness for Christ. The New Testament clearly teaches that believers are to live lives that adorn the gospel and in this book Scott Sauls shows how believers can do that very thing.

In nine chapters, divided into three sections, Sauls begins first with the main thing which is abiding in Christ. He points to the plodding nature of sanctification in this first section and the importance of understanding the preciousness nature of life. In the third section he expands upon the importance of the being engaged in the gospel community that is the local church. In the final section Sauls explores the good works that believers walk in that adorn the gospel in their day to day life.

In a day where it seems some are trying to win the world with outrage Sauls book points readers to the better way which is commanded of believer in the New Testament.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

Made for His Pleasure : A Review

Made for His Pleasure by Alistair Begg

In what has become a spiritual classic since it’s first publication in 1996 Alistair Begg addresses some key issues in regards to the Christian life and how we are to live as those seeking to please God.

In ten short chapters Begg addresses issues and concerns that all believers will have to face, and he does so with wit and biblical wisdom. Begg addresses the importance of spiritual discipline, prayer, sacrificial living, marriage, vocation, suffering, holiness, the pitfalls of intellectualism and cynicism, humility and evangelism. I personally found his chapter on suffering most helpful. In that chapter Begg draws from Scripture illustrating the truths taught from both his experience and others. Begg notes, “Evangelical Christianity lacks a well thought-out, Bible-based, clearly articulated theology of suffering. If we had such a philosophy and acted on it, that would please God greatly  and would be much to our spiritual and emotional benefit (p. 103).” And in that chapter does provide the reader with such an understanding.

Whether you are a new believer or have been following after Christ for decades you’ll find much profitable wisdom in this book. I would encourage pastors and ministry leaders to do everything they can to get this book into the hands of new believers, helping them read through it and using it as an aid in discipleship.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

The Call (A Review)

The Call by Os Guinness

The Call since its original publication 20 years ago has become a spiritual classic. In this work Os Guinness provides readers with a better understanding of the biblical teaching regarding the call of God.

In thirty chapters Guinness addresses the many different aspects of God as they are found in Scripture ranging from such topics as the call to be a distinct people in the world today to the final call of death in which believers are called home. This book is biblicaly rooted and gospel-centered. In every chapter one finds there is material for reflection and conviction. For instance in chapter 20 Guinness addresses the dangers of greed in relation to God’s exclusive call on our life. He points to the contrast of a calling economy and a commercial economy, pointing readers the fact that we are to live life for God’s sake. The chapters are short and this edition includes a study guide in the back to help readers reflect on the call of God. This book would lend itself well to either reading in a group study or as a daily devotional.

This book would prove to be beneficial to both believers and nonbelievers who are expressing interest in Christianity. I would heartily recommend this rich and engaging book to all readers.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

High King of Heaven: A Review

High King of Heaven edited by John Macarthur

In this rich resource edited by John Macarthur some of the brightest and most faithful servants of Christ have come together to provide a work that explores, explains, and exalts the biblical person and work of Christ. The various contributors cover a wide range of Christological passages in both the Old and New Testaments.

This book is composed of 23 contributions arranged in four main sections addressing the person, work, word, and witness of Christ. Every contribution is filled with both theological reflection on the biblical text in question as well as practical application for today. One of my personal favorites in this book is Steven Lawson’s chapter on Christ as the Good Shepherd. Lawson helpfully explains the encouraging truth behind that title and helpfully points pastors to imitation of Christ.

In a day and age when many view deep theological reflection as dry and unhelpful this book shows how wrong that view is and how important theological reflection on the biblical truths concerning the person of Christ is. I would highly commend this book to any believer and especially to fellow pastors as they will find great encouragement in this labor of love.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

How Does Sanctification Work?: A Review

How does Sanctification Work? by David Powlison

In this latest title from David Powlison he  addresses one area of the Christian life that is often deeply misunderstood with the clarity and biblical insight that mark his previous books.

Powlison in the early portions of the book ably addresses the careful balance between the biblical promise of sanctification and the biblical commands concerning our pursuit of sanctification. As Powlsion notes often we can become unbalanced in our view of sanctification and must seek to re-balance it in light of Scripture. Powlison helpfully reminds readers that there are multiples avenues by which God brings about sanctification in our lives. Powlison provides multiples case studies including his own personal experience demonstrating how sanctification practically works in the life of a believer.

I do think in addressing the subject of sanctification attention to distorted views such as Keswick theology and Christian Perfectionism would have greatly contributed to the value of the book. Those understandings of sanctification are still prevalent in evangelicalism and have demonstrably caused great harm driving believers to dispair rather than a hopeful pursuit of conformity to Christ. With that aside I do think this is one of the most helpful resources on sanctification I have come across. This book is greatly helped by the fact that Powlison provides personal examples to help readers better see and understanding the process of sanctification.

Disclosure: I received a review ecopy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

Eats With Sinners: A Review

Eats with Sinners by Arron Chambers

Arron Chambers in this book, that arose from a sermon series that made a great impact on the church he pastors, draws on the example of Christ in the gospels in pointing readers in how to practically engage the lost.

In this book Chambers draws out thirteen characteristics that marked Jesus and his outreach to sinners. In his chapter on urgency Chambers makes the argument that the church in America largely lacks a sense of urgency to reach out to the lost, whereas Jesus instilled a sense of urgency in his disciples in pointing out the harvest is ready. This also ties into his last chapter on vision, too often we don’t see or care to see the lost around us which in turn kills our sense of urgency.

More than a book on evangelism and outreach this book gives us a reminder of what Christ’s character was like in his earthly ministry. I think far too often our evangelism is stifled by the simple fact that we are not striving to be like the one who saved us by His grace. This book has far greater implications than simply evangelism as it touches upon qualities that are essential for us to be fruitful believers.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

Never Settle for Normal -A Review


Never Settle for Normal

Jonathan Parnell addresses the core desires of the human heart and faithfully shows how Christ is the answer to the longings of the heart.

In the early chapters of this book begins with the basics of God our fallen condition. Drawing from Romans, Parnell shows how we as fallen sinners have suppressed, stolen and supplanted the truth of God’s glory for lies. Lies that we are all to quick to accept and spread. In the following chapters  Parnell points us to Jesus, who he is an what he has done to rescue us from the penalty of sin and death and in exchange calling us to life of joy and significance.

Parnell’s writing is thoroughly biblical and Augustinian in its outlook. Reading it one cannot help remember Augustine’s famous quote from Confessions “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee.” As Parnell demonstrates there is no rest, no joy, and no significance outside of life in and with Christ, a life that proves to be anything but normal.

If you know someone trying to better understand Christianity this would be a great book to put in their hands.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

Review of The Heart of the Church

The Heart of the Gospel, part of Joe Thorn’s three part series on the church, focuses in on  the most important aspect of the church the gospel. Thorn in his introduction demonstrates the fact that one of the primary problems the church has is the fact that it is not driven by the gospel which should be the central driving force of the church.

This book is comprised of three parts divided into twelve short and easy to read chapters. In the first section of this book Thorn addresses the gospel as the central theme running from Old to New Testament. In the closing two chapters of the first part the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are addressed. The third part of this book addresses the doctrinal truths of the gospel beginning with justification and its consequences and ending with sanctification and good works. The final section addresses the character and nature of God as revealed in the gospel.

Of the books in this series I think this one stands as the most important as it reminds pastors and church leaders of the central place the gospel is to have in the church, a place that it does not have in many churches. Without the gospel being central the aspects of character and life will never be what they need to be. In a day where there is increasing abandonment of the biblical gospel Thorn has given the church a wake up call to the supreme importance of the gospel, the whole gospel, for the very existence of the church.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

Review of The Resurrection Fact


The Resurrection Fact edited by John Bombaro and Adam Fransisco, released in time for Easter this year, provides an excellent defense of the resurrection of Christ against some of the more recent challengers.

A wide range of contributors address key objections to the resurrection, for example Mark Pierson provides excellent insight in historical matters surrounding the death and resurrection of Christ. Contrary to many skeptics the best historical evidence does demonstrate that it would be unlikely for Jesus body to have been left for scavengers. He did die and He was buried. Many of the chapters a list of recommended resources to dig deeper. Reading the modern ideas put forward in challenge to the resurrection of Christ it becomes clearly that the alternative explanations such as the swoon theory, mass hallucination, etc. all require a blind faith that ignores the clear historical evidence surrounding Christ.

Overall this book provides a good defense of the resurrection with each contributors demonstrating attention to details. I think this book would be a good one to place in the hands of students today as many will be confronted with objections that parallel those dealt with in this book.

Disclosure: I received an advanced review copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

Review: Christ All Sufficient

A great frustration I have with many modern commentaries is the amount of space given to interacting with secondary sources as opposed to the text itself. Brian Hedges in Christ All Sufficient: An Exposition of Colossians avoids that and addresses the text first and foremost.

In ten chapters Hedges expounds the text of Colossians balancing doctrinal insight with an eye towards application. As Hedges notes while this is not a technical commentary, at the same time it isn’t what one would could consider a devotional commentary. This is commentary that is readily accessible to the everyday believer as well as a useful for any pastor working through this epistle. Hedges work is not overly dependent on secondary sources. Hedges makes clear the day to day implications this epistle has, especially the believers responsibility to live under Christ’s lordship as He is the all sufficient Lord of the Church who has reconciled the Church to himself through his shed blood.

I believe there is a great need for more resources like the one Hedges has provided here. There is in this exposition a laser focus on the text, which as I noted is rare to find in commentaries. Hedges also helps the reader think through issues of application while taking into account the cultural differences between our contemporary society and that of the Colossians. If you’re looking for a resource on Colossians that isn’t overly technical or a fluff commentary I would commend this resource to you.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.